
Hello From Lexington

Challenge #540 -

Say Hello From... wherever you are. Introduce the rest of us to your little corner of the planet by showing us a scene from where you are. Can be your home town, your street, your workplace, anywhere that's special to you.

This is the view from my cozy, reading corner window. I know I've posted this view in the past, so this new one is b/w. It is also my special place in the apartment. :)
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Jean Pierre Marcello said:

Bien que vivant depuis de nombreuses années au Portugal je reste un peu français et j’aurais aimé que mes compatriotes aient le même respect et le même amour pour leur patrie. Je vous fait mes compliments.
2 years ago ( translate )

Clickity Click replied to Jean Pierre Marcello:

J.P. J'ai toujours dit que je suis anglais de naissance et américain par choix. Bien que je n'aie que 4 ans lorsque nous avons quitté l'Angleterre après la 11e guerre mondiale, ma mère était déterminée à ce que je ne perde pas le contact avec mon histoire anglaise. Elle voulait également que je respecte l'Amérique et ce qu'elle représentait. Au fil des ans, en découvrant l'histoire de nombreux autres pays, j'ai pris conscience que nous ne connaissions pas toujours les fils sombres qui constituent le tissu de nos sociétés. Charlie et moi avons toujours fait flotter le drapeau américain d'un côté de notre porche d'entrée. De l'autre côté, il y avait soit l'Union Jack, soit le drapeau de St George. Le drapeau sur l'image flotte 24 heures sur 24 sur le côté du Palais de Justice. Merci pour votre compliment, il est toujours apprécié :)
1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago

Xata said:

In Portugal people put flags outside their houses… but for football most of the time…
Nice to have a special corner in our places, it is very important.
2 years ago

Clickity Click replied to Xata:

Obrigado Isabel, vemos muitas bandeiras a voar de casas particulares e de todos os gabinetes governamentais. É uma visão tão comum que me esqueço que nem todos os países exibem as suas bandeiras desta forma. As bandeiras desportivas também são vistas. Juntamente com a bandeira americana, cada estado tem a sua própria bandeira de estado que voa. feriados e dia da Bandeira é bastante colorido de se ver. Tem toda a razão, todos nós precisamos do nosso cantinho para limpar a mente e relaxar. Tento muitas vezes responder a J.P. em francês e pergunto-me sempre se a bandeira vem na direcção certa. O mesmo se passa com o português. Sei que há alturas em que a tradução não foi o que eu pensava que seria. Avisem-me se alguma mensagem estiver um pouco desarticulada!
1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago ( translate )

Xata replied to Clickity Click:

Thanks Chris, your message is perfectly clear, I also read your message to JP above, it is perfectly clear too, the translator did well.
One thing I love about ipernity is that we can exchange with people of totally different cultures and backgrounds, learn to appreciate them, learn a lot about tolerance and our differences.
I am very sad you leave ipernity and I wont be able to share no longer with you, even if not through this challenge. I would have loved to be given permission to keep going...
2 years ago

Amazingstoker said:

The monochrome gives this quite a vintage feel; even in England this last week there have been quite a lot of flags flying . . .
2 years ago

Clickity Click replied to Amazingstoker:

A lot of flags flying in England! Indeed there were stoker. It looked so festive and the people were so enjoying themselves. Watched the coverage and special programs to enjoy the excitement all four days. Like thousands of others, I can't image anyne other than HRH Queen Elizabeth 11 on the throne. All the images shown over her 70 years made me think of what my grandma said when I became an American citizen: Respect your new home but remember you'll always be a Yorkshire Lass! Thanks stoker :)

1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Impeccable !
Heureux de te retrouver
2 years ago ( translate )

Clickity Click replied to Malik Raoulda:

Thank you Malik, nice to see you back. I hope you were just taking a short break and not ill!

Do take care. Be Kind To Yourself And Others! :)

1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago

Amelia said:

The flags were flying in Great Britain last week. It all looked very jolly. We rarely see the Union flag flying except on business premises. The cross of St.George is commonplace for football matches though. In Norway it's very common to see pennants flying from properties. I rather liked that. riegerflags.com/product.html/norway-pennant
2 years ago

Clickity Click replied to Amelia:

Hi Amelia thank you for the link. What a great sight with that Norwegian pennant flying against the bright blue sky! See my response to stoker. :)

1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago

Clickity Click said:

So glad that the translator is working well! I agree with you about the qualities of Ipernity. It is such an unique community and I've felt very much at home here. Do keep well.

1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago

Gillian Everett said:

Great to see your flag, and your lovely view, Chris
2 years ago

Clickity Click said:

Thanks Gillian. : ) Take care my friend.
1-Ukranian Flag SmallSlava Ukraine
2 years ago ( translate )

PhLB - Luc Boonen said:

Chris I'm not the only one being sad about you leaving Ipernity.
We've had a great time together and I know leaving must be hard for you. You must have given it a proper thought, that's why I respect your decision.
2 years ago