
Living on the edge

Basking in spring sunshine on the cliff edge (184 m, 604 ft). Ravenscar North Yorkshire.
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©UdoSm said:

15 months ago ( translate )

Doug Shepherd replied to ©UdoSm:

Many thanks for your kind comment Udo.

Best regards, Doug
15 months ago

Günter Klaus said:

Sehr schön hast du diese Narzissen mit dem schönen Licht gezeigt lieber Doug :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :)
15 months ago ( translate )

Doug Shepherd replied to Günter Klaus:

Thanks so much for your very kind comment Güni, glad you like it.

Wishing you a happy and peaceful Easter.
15 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Admirable et excellemment partagée.
Joyeuses Pâques.
15 months ago ( translate )

Doug Shepherd replied to Malik Raoulda:

Thanks so much for your kind comment Malik.

Best wishes, Doug
15 months ago

Ulrich John said:

Sehr schöne Frühlingsimpression !
15 months ago ( translate )

Doug Shepherd replied to Ulrich John:

Thanks so much for your kind comment Ulrich.

Best regards, Doug
15 months ago

John Lawrence said:

Thanks for posting to the
All Flowers Group

15 months ago

Boarischa Krautmo said:

wonderful - and good title ;-)
15 months ago

Doug Shepherd replied to Boarischa Krautmo:

Thanks very much Markus.

Best regards, Doug
15 months ago

Pam J said:

15 months ago ( translate )

Doug Shepherd replied to Pam J:

Many thanks for your visit and kind comment Pam.

Enjoy your day
15 months ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

They look very happy there Doug. A lovely backdrop!

Best wishes and a good weekend.
15 months ago

Annemarie said:

wonderful image

Wish you a Good friday and peaceful Easter.
15 months ago