

oil on canvas, 100x80, outside the museum
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Christine Valin said:

Excellent Max! One has to paint to know all the work that went into it! Bravo. I like the colours too.
14 years ago

Max Baris said:

Thank you very much Christine. You are right, the painting took some efforts, but it was fun to do. How is your new camara? I just bought a Canon, but I was never aware there are Canon-people and Nikon-people
14 years ago

Christine Valin said:

It is me that said that as I noticed it and once you choose, you are stuck with it as the lenses cost so much. So, you better make the right choice! I have hardly used it, as I am painting at present and so you can look forward to another portrait.
14 years ago

Ulrich Dinges said:

so beautiful roofs and gables
14 years ago

Max Baris said:

Je ne pense pas cést hiper réalisme. Voyez les details, ils ne sont pas comme la realité. Mais an tout cas, merci pour votre visite.
14 years ago ( translate )