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Edna Edenkoben said:
Jean-Paul said:
Roger (Grisly) said:
Steve Paxton said:
Falk Preusche said:
Herb Riddle said:
Fred Fouarge said:
cp_u said:
J.Garcia replied to cp_u:
Annemarie said:
Stefani Wehner said:
Christa1004 said:
Karl Hartwig Schütz said:
Günter Klaus said:
Gudrun said:
Edna Edenkoben said:
HFF, BK, und nicht nur ein halbes, sondern sogar ein ganzes wochenende! :-)
Jean-Paul said:
Edna hat, glaube ich, die richtige FRage gestellt :D
Roger (Grisly) said:
HFF and a good weekend
Steve Paxton said:
Falk Preusche said:
Herb Riddle said:
HFF, have a great weekend. Herb
Fred Fouarge said:
cp_u said:
J.Garcia replied to cp_u:
Annemarie said:
Stefani Wehner said:
Christa1004 said:
Karl Hartwig Schütz said:
Günter Klaus said:
Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
Gudrun said: