
Krekar the Clown

This is Mullah Krekar [he was freed from prison january 25th] - the no.1 jihadist clown in Norway. Spewing out fatwas. Pronouncing death threats against the prime minister and others. He came to Norway as a refugee in 1991.

Krekar was appointed head of IMK's Military Wing in 1992. And same year he became leader of newly formed Ansar-al-Islam (now fighting alongside ISIS). For at least a year after September 11, Krekar was out of Norway. In august 2002 Krekar was reported back in Northern Iraq, involved in planning suicide bombings, including one which killed an Australian reporter.

Ansar al-Islam has been implicated in bombings across Europe, and it appears to have operated facilities in Iraq that manufactured the powerful poison ricin. It is thought that these facilities were the source for the ricin found in Europe during 2002 and 2003. Krekar has also been named in connection with the August 2003 bombing of the UN mission in Iraq and the 11 March 2004 Madrid bombings. In the latter case, one of the main suspects allegedly repeatedly met with Krekar.

Krekar the Clown performs regulary in Norwegian courts. In February 2003 the Norwegian government ordered Krekar to be deported to Iraq. He is still here, clowning together with his sidekick mr Meling. He also have his own clown academy on the web, where he teaches his strictly fun [some would say fascist] interpretation of the Quran and Sharia law. Funnily enough we cannot deport Krekar to Iraq as long as he faces torture and the death penalty. Krekar himself (whilst clowning in norwegian courts) only recognizes sharia law... next performance at Oslo district court january 27th, 9 AM

In the last few weeks Krekar has been invited to Comedy Hour on Al Jazeera twice.
There he has told funny stories about norwegian prisons being like North Korea, and how he himself has been denied all rights in prison.
He has also told about a norwegian investigator who were fuking around in Bagdad whilst investigating Krekar and his hate clowning in Iraq back in 2003/2004.
And he makes jokes about how norwegians lie more than Gaddafi !!!
[manipulated press photo]
Krekar quote from a speech as leader of Ansar-al-Islam:
"- No fatwa is necessary for those who openly goes against Islam. No fatwa needed. And if a Muslim comes across such a person in the street, use an ax to chop his head off. Or shoot a bullet through his brain. There is no need for fatwa.."
A norwegian expert on terror (Lars Gule) called Krekar an islam-fascist on TV.
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William Sutherland said:

Excellent work!

Admired in:
10 years ago ( translate )

Fantasyfan said:

Those are annoying :P
10 years ago

askyog replied to Fantasyfan:

yeah ... they are
10 years ago

beverley said:

o0o we had one here also ... but finally he was deported but it took so so long,
but when one goes another takes their place it seems. o0o
10 years ago

Veterok said:

10 years ago ( translate )

beverley said:

10 years ago

Skipper said:

You should let him speak at television: a good advertisement for Islam integralism.
10 years ago

askyog replied to Skipper:

:( I'm afraid that's too dangerous with this guy, we could end up with many clown-groups ... he already has a clown academy on the web...
10 years ago

askyog said:

Krekar quote:

"No fatwa is necessary for those who openly goes against Islam. No fatwa needed. And if a Muslim comes across such a person in the street, use an ax to chop his head off. Or shoot a bullet through his brain. There is no need for fatwa."
10 years ago

askyog said:

100 lashes if you do not laugh !
10 years ago

Sylvain Wiart said:

this guy is a caricature
10 years ago

askyog said:

New Krekar interview today (feb 25th):

"Those making the Muhammad caricatures must die."

"The terrorist attacks in Paris made me happy."

"I will give a gift [reward] to the person who kills mr Goran" [a norwegian kurd who burnt a page in the Quran in a protest]

9 years ago