
Canada Tour 3 xPiP

What we have encountered among other things,
the forest plots burned down by rangers as a precaution, partly to form firebreaks and partly for fertilization, which looked a bit unreal.
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Jaap van 't Veen said:

Well composed image; must be a strange experience seeing these burned forests.
15 months ago ( translate )

Kawasirius said:

Dramatique ! Mais peut être nécessaire je ne suis pas un expert ! Toutefois voir détruire des arbres me fend le cœur. Nous avons ce phénomène avec les platanes plusieurs fois centenaires le long du canal du Midi sous prétexte d'un parasite. Par contre, à quelques dizaines de mètres et tout le long on les laisses. Le parasites aiment certainement la fraîcheur de l'eau !!!!! Cherchons l'erreur !
Merci, Aschi pour ce partage douloureux ! bonne soirée !
15 months ago ( translate )

Fred Fouarge said:

deze kale bomen op rotsen ken ik van finland Aschi
mooie opname
15 months ago ( translate )

Hélène Lombard said:

Des incendies dirigés pour éliiminer les arbres malades .
15 months ago ( translate )

Jenny McIntyre said:

Wow these photos certainly show how the rangers have tried to prevent any fire that should be started, doesn't bring down the whole forests. Thanks for showing us this amazing place.
15 months ago

Annemarie said:

a wonderful image
15 months ago ( translate )

Eunice Perkins said:

One side is a complete contrast to the other.
15 months ago

J. Gafarot said:

Très beau !
Toutes les images.
15 months ago ( translate )

J.Garcia said:

Burnt trees by the water!
Surprising decision...
Incredible photos, Aschi!!
15 months ago

Jeanne chevillard said:

Magnifique !!!
15 months ago ( translate )

* ઇઉ * said:

Despite the burned forest on the left, a fantastically beautiful landscape, Aschi!
15 months ago

Gudrun said:

Was für eine tolle Landschaft!
15 months ago

Pearl said:

Surprenant effectivement !
15 months ago ( translate )

Dimas Sequeira said:

The outcome of firebreaks is not pleasant to see but, without them, a huge fire would bring about a far bigger devastation.
15 months ago