
Mount Rocciamelone - The highest EU sanctuary

Mont Rocciamelone, 3538m, is the highest mountain of the Italian side of Susa Valley and on top of it there is the highest European sanctuary. Rocciamelone tip and the sanctuary are visited by thousands of alpinist and people every year. On top of the mountain there is a bronze statue of Mary built last century with contribution of the Italy's cildren and brought up there by the alpine troups. There is as well a tall lightning rod.
Beside hiking up there is not difficult during summer, it becomes quite dangerous when covered by snow or during thunderstorms lighting.
This picture is taken from the other side (southern side) of the valley and the brown color of the snow is due to the desert sand brought by the frequent strorms from northern Africa..
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Christa1004 said:

The people back then had to be really motivated to build a sanctuary up there...
4 months ago

Andrea Allasio replied to Christa1004:

Yes Christa and from the top there is a wonderful view of all the Alps around, from the mountains just above Genoa, Monviso, Mercantour, Pelvoux, Barre des Ecrin, all mountains of the Vanoise and above Val d'Isere, Mont Blanc, Gran Paradiso, mountains of the Monte Rosa group.
4 months ago