street art
These Mondrian style panels appeared around the town in 2012, each was approx A4 size. I saw these nine, there may well have been more. I've not published them before as the local council is pretty aggressive at removing any 'unofficial' artwork, and the one I did put up elsewhere with location info. quickly disappeared.
The location were:
Top row L to R
1. End of Mortimer Lane (51.2643652,-1.0915301)
2. Feathers Yard (51.2630959,-1.0859116)
3. Victory Roundabout (51.2665583,-1.0926)
Middle row L to R
1. Church Square (51.2645835,-1.0899376)
2. Outside the play area off Churchill Way West (51.26665,-1.0979866)
3. Top of the steps on the lane from Basing View to The Queens Arm / Bunnian Place (51.26863,-1.0831)
Bottom row L to R
1. Eastrop Roundabout (51.26685,-1.0839)
2. End of Eastrop Park near the ringroad underpass (51.2668827,-1.0699108)
3. Lane between New Road/Southern Road and Kwik Fit/Lady Susan Court (51.2612,-1.0856)
My favourite is bottom left, love the way it so perfectly matches the building behind it.
If you know any more about these, or of others, or their artist please be in touch.
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All rights reserved
Taken on Tuesday June 12, 2012
Posted on Monday August 9, 2021
- 221 visits
- 3 people like
Dutt Changgle said:
Esther said: