
Wedding Photo with Gramophone, Mandolin, and Guitar

A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of music lover.

This is a divided-back real photo postcard of wedding participants and guests with the bride and groom seated in the center.

Music evidently played an important part in the wedding celebration. A gramophone is displayed prominently at front left, and two musicians -- a man in uniform with a mandolin and another man with a guitar -- are lying on the ground in front of the group.

Other interesting details include a fellow holding up a bottle and a mug (upper left) and a barefooted man with a dog on his lap (lower right).

There's no date or location, and the only clue to the photo's origin is an ink-stamped credit to "Foto - N. Aboltin" on other side.
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1 comment

RicksPics said:

Nice representation of the theme and an interesting photo in itself. I looked into the source of the Aboltin surname, which appears to originate in Eastern Europe and is fairly rare in the US.
6 hours ago