
Vintage Family Selfie

A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of proud papa -- man holding an infant or small child.

The man at lower right is holding a string that he pulled to release the shutter on a camera to take this photo. This "string selfie" captured a portrait of himself and thirteen other members of his family, including a man and a woman at the front who are holding a small kid on their laps.

This is a real photo postcard with a divided back and a type of Azo stamp box (with four corner triangles pointing up) on the other side that suggests a possible date that may be as early as 1907 to 1918. There's no address, postmark, or message on the verso.
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1 comment

RicksPics said:

Followed immediately with, "Aren't you a clever boy, Roger!" from the old woman in the back row.
Cool photo, Alan.
12 days ago