
Baby on a Blanket in the Grass

A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of blanket on the grass.

This is an early twentieth-century photo of a baby on a blanket in the grass. The kid is propped up on a pillow in front of some shrubbery at the edge of a yard.

Printed on the other side of this divided-back real photo postcard: "Turner's Real Photograph, Marion, Ia."

The Kruxo stamp box design printed on the other side of this divided-back real photo postcard suggests that it may date to 1908-1910. "Turner's Real Photograph, Marion, Ia.," also appears on the verso.
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RicksPics said:

That's an interesting design on the blanket. Amusing that all three of the blanket photos feature infants.
4 months ago

Alan Mays replied to RicksPics:

Thanks, Rick. It is curious that all three of our blanket photos turned out to feature kids. I was looking for a picnic photo but the only one that (sort of) had a blanket was a picture I had already used for a barbeque/picnic theme. Then I thought to check through my kids-in-the-yard photos and finally came up with this one. Your example is nice and colorful.
3 months ago