Katharine Hostetter Kauffman, later known as
Katharine “Katie” Kauffman Herr (1886-1986), was the teacher who organized the spelling bee advertised on this handbill.
For a similar item from a later event, see
Spelling Bee, Terre Hill, Pa., April 3, 1925.
Come One! Come All! To a Grand "Spelling Bee"
To Be Held at the
Fair View School
Near Mechanicsville
along Manheim Trolley Road
Saturday Eve., March 24, '06
Classes are as follows:
Class I. Open to Pupils of 11 years and under.
Class II. Open to all Public School Children.
Class III. Arithmetical Contest, open to all.
Class IV. General Information, open to all.
16 Valuable Prizes to be Distributed
The Program will consist of Music, Phonograph and School Recitations and Dialogues
General Admission - 10 Cts.
Proceeds to be used for the School Library.
Doors Open at 7 o'clock. Exercises begin at 7:30 o'clock.
Katharine H. Kauffman, Teacher.
Should the weather prove too unfavorable the Bee will be held the first fair evening following Monday.
L. B. Herr Print, 51-53 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.