
Wisenheimer Ladder Climber

A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of ladders.

A fellow is making a spectacle of himself by perching on a ladder as his friends stand at the top of steps leading up to a porch. One woman (at left) and a man (third from left) are holding cameras. There's a bucket on the top step and a second ladder on the right. There's no indication where or when the photo was taken.

For a close-up view of the group, see a cropped version of the photo.

Wisenheimer Ladder Climber (Cropped)
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RicksPics said:

Wisenheimer Ladder Climber
Thought himself to be much finer
Than the others in the joint
So climbed above them
To make his point.

Two ladders! Extra credit, Alan. :) Terrific photo.
16 months ago

Alan Mays replied to RicksPics:

Thanks for the poetic Burma-Shave interpretation, Rick!
15 months ago