
Twenty-Six on a Bridge

A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of people on a bridge.

A group of twenty-six people -- ten men, nine women, and seven children -- stood on a narrow bridge over a swiftly flowing stream to pose for this photo. For better views of the group, see cropped versions of the left side and right side of the photo.

The type of Azo stamp box (with four corner triangles pointing up) printed on the other side of this photo postcard suggests a possible date that may be as early as 1904 to 1918. The postcard is unused, and there's no indication where the stream is located.

Twenty-Six on a Bridge (Cropped Left)

Twenty-Six on a Bridge (Cropped Right)
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RicksPics said:

Well, I will scoff no more at contemporary folks who take unreasonable risk to get a photo. Pretty dandy result though. I wonder what the photographer was perched upon.
17 months ago

Alan Mays replied to RicksPics:

Thanks, Rick! It's hard to figure out how wide or sturdy the bridge may have been, but I don't think I'd trust it to hold many people! And I was wondering about the photographer's vantage point, too.
16 months ago

Deborah Lundbech said:

What a great idea for a group (family reunion?) photo! The quality of it is so good, too - as the enlargements show.
I wonder if, years before you acquired it, it was a treasured photograph displayed in the parlor?
17 months ago

Alan Mays replied to Deborah Lundbech:

Thanks, Deborah! This is a real photo postcard, so it's possible that it was on display in an album in the parlor. It's amazing that twenty-six people were able to assemble and pose long enough for the photographer to snap the picture.
16 months ago