
Gladys and the Iceberg, Moffat, Colorado, 1911

A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of cold, freezing, or frozen.

Handwritten caption: "Gladys & the Ice Burg, Moffat, Colo."

This is a real photo postcard addressed on the other side to Miss Grace Roger, Rich Mountain, Ark., and postmarked Moffat, Colo., March 1, 1911.

Message: "Moffat, Colo., March 1, 1911. Hello Girlie,You bet I recd your letter and answered it & am anxious for an answer. Want to hear the rest of that news you have for me. Does this look like spring. This is some of my own work. This is a water tank where the railroad engines get a drink. Say but I would enjoy a sweet breath from those fruit tree blossoms. There isn't such a thing in this desert. We are fine & dandy. Write soon you naughty girl. As ever, M."

For a similar photo, see Frozen Water Tower.

Frozen Water Tower
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RicksPics said:

Wow. That must have been leaking a long time. Looks like a nice ice rink in the foreground though.
22 months ago

Alan Mays replied to RicksPics:

The icicles look pretty daunting, though -- I wouldn't want to be anywhere near when they start falling.
21 months ago