A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of
sticking tongue out (or any other interesting or funny facial expression).
A snapshot of a woman sticking out her tongue as someone takes her picture. She's sitting on a towel on the beach and holding a cigarette in her left hand. Judging by the shadows in the foreground, the woman may be situated under an umbrella similar to those visible in the distance. Unfortunately, I don't have any additional information about the date or location of the photo.
For variations on the theme, see
Elmer's Acting Up! and
Deborah Lundbech said:
I was struck by how unusual (and funny) it was to have a photo of a kid or person sticking out their tongue in the last century - and how crushingly boring it is to see how many billions of pics there are of people sticking out their tongues now on social media.
(Says the old curmudgeon).
RicksPics replied to Deborah Lundbech:
RicksPics said:
Alan Mays said: