
Eleven Ladies in the Parlor

A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of holding hands.

A photo of eleven women -- six standing, one seated on a chair, two kneeling, and two holding hands as they sit on the floor -- taken in front of a window in the parlor. Notice the distinctive wallpaper and the pump organ on the left.

There's a partial list of the women's names written on the other side (see below), but there aren't any clues about the location or reason for their get-together.

This is a real photo postcard, and the type of Azo stamp box (with four corner triangles pointing up) printed on the back suggests a possible date that may be as early as 1904 to 1918.

Written on the other side:

Top row left to right

1 Ethel May
2 Maud Ressler
3 Mered Diets
4 [no name]
5 [no name]
6 Gertrude Harrington

Setting down

1 Fern Rinker
2 [no name]
3 Mrs. Cora Pommert
4 Wave Pace [possibly Wave Bernadine Pace Sanderson]
5 Irene Rinker
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raingirl said:

they are so fascinating! and one can't help but wonder who has drawn their attention to the side.

very cool.
2 years ago

Deborah Lundbech said:

Here's Cora. Looks like she died shortly after this.
(Assuming Wave is who's shown, as she was born in 1898.)
2 years ago

Deborah Lundbech said:

This group of women have a look reminiscent of a (party game) seance, to me.
It's an intriguing photo!
2 years ago

RicksPics said:

Another interesting photo, Alan. My first impression was that poor Gertrude had just experienced an embarrassing growling stomach but I much prefer Deborah's parlor game theory.
2 years ago

Alan Mays said:

Thanks, everyone! It's always amazing to me how it's possible to identify people (at least tentatively if not definitively) in photos that are 100 years old. Thanks, Deborah, for the lead on Cora!
2 years ago