
Who Was That Masked Man?

A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of tricks or treats! (any kind of Halloween photo, including costumes, masks, jack-o'-lanterns, decorations, ghosts, skeletons, haunted houses, or anything spooky, scary, or frightening; no limit—post as many Halloween photos as you'd like!).

A photo of three young men goofing around in the backyard. I'm not sure if that's a Halloween mask or whether the fellow in the middle is wearing it voluntarily, but the two other guys appear to be having fun. There seems to be a lot of activity going on around them, with a woman partially visible on the right, a dog on the left, and a man walking in the background.
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1 comment

Deborah Lundbech said:

I find early 20th century masks particularly creepy. This one is a good example!
2 years ago