
Dock Bug (Coreus marginatus)

A Dock Bug catching some sunshine in my garden. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, May 2024.
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Ronald Stachowiak said:

Beautyful Shot and details .
2 months ago

Adrian Jones replied to Ronald Stachowiak:

Thank you Ronald, greatly appreciated. :-)
7 weeks ago

Patrick Brandy said:

Joli gros plan bon week-end.
2 months ago ( translate )

Adrian Jones replied to Patrick Brandy:

Thank youn for your kind comment, much appreciated.
7 weeks ago

Don Sutherland said:

Stunning macro shot.
2 months ago

Adrian Jones replied to Don Sutherland:

Thank you Don for your comment, really appreciated. :-)
7 weeks ago

William Sutherland said:

Awesome shot and details!
2 months ago

Adrian Jones replied to William Sutherland:

William, thank you so much for the lovely comment, greatly appreciated.
7 weeks ago

ROL/Photo said:

Another excellent macrO
3 weeks ago ( translate )