SC90: Unusually blue item
A wall painting at Rangjung Woesel Choling Dratshang.
Buddhist deities take on various shapes, in their wrathful manifestation as protectors of faith they usually have blue bodies and three eyes (and sometimes multiple heads, legs and arms)
Other examples:
Part of a Zangdogpalri (Guru Rinpoche's "paradise") painting at Trongsa Dzong- the sinners must stay outside- very similar to Christian hell;-)
Protective deity (Vajrapani) guarding the entrance at Tamshing Lhakang
J.Garcia said:
Wonderfully shown, Gudrun
Thanks for sharing and for information
Gudrun replied to J.Garcia:
Wierd Folkersma said:
Gudrun replied to Wierd Folkersma:
Annemarie said:
Gudrun replied to Annemarie:
Xata said:
Gudrun replied to Xata:
Keith Burton said:
A smashing series Gudrun!
Gudrun replied to Keith Burton:
Esther said:
Gudrun replied to Esther:
Amelia said:
Gudrun replied to Amelia:
Edna Edenkoben said:
Aber auch schön, mal was ganz anderes zwischendurch, sozusagen als kleine Überraschung :-)