
Hybrid Bus

SH06: a bus

SC110- Buses
(Sorry about recycling older photos, I didn't manage anything new this week)

This bus is an Electric- Diesel- hybrid, some in Stuttgart's fleet are also Hydrogen-Diesel hybrids, but still too many run solely on Diesel. The very hilly topography serves as an excuse...

Norway is much better- Trondheim buses are fully electric. This one gets it's energy from the neighbouring building that produces more energy than it uses.

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Chrissy said:

Ganz schön viel zu sehen auf dem Bild. Mir fehlt ein E und ich möchte so gerne die Straße hinab schauen.
4 years ago ( translate )

Gudrun replied to Chrissy:

Danke, Chrissy! Ja, wo das e abgeblieben ist, habe ich mich auch gefragt. Ich stand mitten auf der Kreuzung auf der Verkehrsinsel und musste aus der Hüfte schießen;-)
4 years ago ( translate )

Gillian Everett said:

Excellent find and shot!
4 years ago

Gudrun replied to Gillian Everett:

Thanks a lot, Gillian!
4 years ago ( translate )

Xata said:

Love the main one. About sustainability I have my doubts... guess there is no perfect solution.
6 months ago

Gudrun replied to Xata:

Obrigada, Isabel! You are right, of course- the lithium or silicium needed for sustainable energies isn't mined sustainably at all... But getting people off indivuídual into public transport does help.
6 months ago

Wierd Folkersma said:

like the type of bus in the main picture, so many types of hybrids in your place
6 months ago

Gudrun replied to Wierd Folkersma:

Thank you so much, Wierd! They are trying but it's difficult in the town of Mercedes and Porsche...;-)
6 months ago

Amelia said:

Ah - a bendy bus. There is a big move in Shrewsbury to have only electric local buses, but our Park & Ride buses are still all diesel. It's still better than everyone using their cars to get into the centre of town.
6 months ago

Gudrun replied to Amelia:

Thanks very much, Amelia! Same here, it's a slow process and expensive, too.
The town centre lines have to use the large bendy busses for the many passengers. Since the "Deutschlandticket" (regional and local transport in all of Germany for 49€ a month) was introduced it's easy to use the bus for just one stop;-)
6 months ago

Jean Pierre Marcello said:

Très instructif, merci. Et j’ai toujours eu une admiration profonde pour les chauffeurs capables de conduire des véhicules aussi longs.
6 months ago ( translate )

Gudrun replied to Jean Pierre Marcello:

Merci bien, Jean Pierre! These buses are able to manage a very narrow curve radius but indeed drivers need good nerves!
6 months ago

David Slater (Spodde… said:

Great shots Gudrun. Best wishes for the new week.
6 months ago

Gudrun replied to David Slater (Spodde…:

Thanks a lot, David!
6 months ago ( translate )