
Mandala/ Kyilkhor

SSC: Unity
Das Mandala (Sanskrit für Kreis), auf tibetisch Kyilkhor genannt, steht für Ganzheit und Einheit.
Hier ein kosmisches Mandala, das die Umlaufbahnen von Sonne, Mond und Planeten um den Weltenberg Meru, die axis mundi, zeigt. Im PiP ein Kalachakra-Mandala (Kalachakra= Rad der Zeit).

Mandala (Sankrit for circle), in tibetan called Kyilkhor, is a symbol for wholeness and unity.
In the blue photo a cosmic mandala showing the the orbits of sun, moon and planets around Mount Meru, the axis mundi. In the note a kalachakra.mandala (kalachakra= wheel of time).
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Taormina said:

Es wirkt schon... ;)
3 years ago

Gudrun replied to Taormina:

Ommm;-) Ist übrigens nur ein Kühlschrankmagnet....
3 years ago ( translate )

beapixa said:

Bei mir auch, ohmmmm.
3 years ago ( translate )

Gudrun replied to beapixa:

Schönen Dank, Beate! Die Dinger kleben bei mir am Kühlschrank:-)
3 years ago ( translate )

Ulrich John said:

Perfekt fürs Thema, Gudrun !
3 years ago ( translate )

Gudrun replied to Ulrich John:

Herzlichen Dank, Ulrich!
3 years ago ( translate )

Annaig56 said:

très belle idée très intéressante que je ne connaissais pas j'ai l'habitude des simples mandala pour la détente en coloriage
3 years ago ( translate )

Gudrun replied to Annaig56:

Merci, Annaig! Western culture has adapted mandalas for other uses, for Buddhists they have spiritual meaning and only the most enlightened monks can fully grasp it. Way beyond my abilities, I wouldn't even try;-)
3 years ago

Nautilus said:

un sujet en adéquation complète avec le challenge d' aujoud'hui .
3 years ago ( translate )

Gudrun replied to Nautilus:

Merci beaucoup, Nautilus!
3 years ago ( translate )

Amelia said:

So - you do your transcendental meditation in front of your fridge? :-)))

Having never heard of a mandala until today, I've just watched a programme on the Himalayas, and have seen a beautiful mandala made by the monks.
3 years ago

Gudrun replied to Amelia:

Thank you so much, Amelia! Actually, I have no idea how to meditate, I'll leave that to the Buddhist lamas;-) I can imagine that the programme about the Himalayas must have been interesting, Tibet has always been a dream of mine.
3 years ago

Esther said:

Very pretty and very blue.
3 years ago

Gudrun replied to Esther:

Thank you, Esther! Practising for Sunday;-)
3 years ago

Gillian Everett said:

A great thing to have on your fridge :-)
3 years ago