
Bridge OR bridge?

● We ate turkey when we visited Turkey.
● I may travel to England next May.
● He lent me several books to read during Lent.
● When did Bill pay his bill?

- Krystal N. Craiker at ProWritingAid

Please find my ipernity-howto on capitonym and how one should use keywords.

Moreover, please see my article Observations on (the old) Explore World Map and Keywords
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Ghislaine said:

J'ai lu...
Le français est richement doté de tous ces mots...
4 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Ghislaine:

Les noms de lieux qui ont également une signification sont très courants dans le monde entier. Et les noms de personnes. Ma femme Sari en est un exemple.
4 years ago ( translate )

Andy Rodker said:

I read it all with interest. If capitals are used in their proper places and not elsewhere, it shouldn't really cause a problem, but it seems it does and there we are! I understand also that with some languages all nouns are capitalised, not only proper nouns and I can see that is where confusion certainly lies! Not sure if there can ever be a perfect solution.
But I congratulate you on your logical reasoning and efforts, Sami!
4 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Andy Rodker:

If and when people would follow the language specific rules, then for example writing capitalised nouns in German would not be a problem either. So, if one uses keywords in German, then one should try to follow German grammar.

But one reason could be that the words become capitalised by accident. For example, when one opens a keyword field on a mobile phone, to add one for a image here at ipernity, the phone app always first offers the capitalised first letter. Just like one should start any sentence according to somewhat any grammar. And if one does not realize that in a hurry, then the mistake is done.

And then there is also the problem with singular and plural forms, not yet discussed at all.
4 years ago

Sylvain Wiart said:

perso, j'ai toujours le réflexe d'emporter mon reflex :-)
4 years ago ( translate )

polytropos said:

Is it history or herstory? ;-))
Well, it's not a capitonym but it come to my mind acutely. ;-))
4 years ago

polytropos replied to polytropos:

Oh, I have one:
When I went from Mobile (Alabama) over this bridge I can't use my mobile. :-)
4 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to polytropos:

Nowadays it should be theystory ;-)
4 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to polytropos:

Why doctors use Windows OS?
Because Apple a day keeps the doctor away ;-)

Then why window cleaners prefer iOS?
Because they see enough windows at work =D
4 years ago

polytropos replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:

4 years ago ( translate )

polytropos replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:

4 years ago ( translate )

Berny said:

4 years ago ( translate )