
Thank you PicMonkey ...

... and PicMonkey Creative Users group for the past years!

⚠️ The posted date of this image changed. Picture originally uploaded in April 2020.

We have now removed the PicMonkey API link from the ACTIONS menu. And this is because the Adobe Flash based old PicMonkey online editor is no longer supported.

If you still wish to use especially PicMonkey as your post processing software, you have to use it outside ipernity and pay for it, or use their still free mobile app. Check out also my short review posted earlier.

Do remember that you can also download your image at ipernity, and upload the new version when it is again possible. So, no more easy online editor, but yet relatively easy way to rework already uploaded images.

On this image I added the text onto image with PicMonkey Android app, but I could not find frames on that software. So, I added the frame with Snapseed Android app. This is what I have lately started to do more often. I use multiple phone apps to get what I want.

The positive side of PicMonkey and Snapseed are that they seem to keep the EXIF data, allowing the audience to see the details of exposure, and even the map location, if they have been recorded in the first place. Snapseed is better on this, keeping more EXIF data untouched. Sometimes I even use Snapseed's "double exposure" feature to "merge" image edited on another app onto the "original", to get the full EXIF recorded and shared ;-)
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Taormina said:

Es war bisher sehr praktisch, PicMonkey vom eingestellten Bild her zu bearbeiten.
Seit einer ganzen Weile (jedenfalls bei mir) geht das nicht mehr.
Schade... aber verständlich.
4 years ago ( translate )

Erika Akire replied to Taormina:

...schau mal bei den Diskussionen der Gruppe: ...PicMonkey Creative Users... nach, Tanja, dort erfährst du, warum PM nicht mehr bei Ip funktioniert...
4 years ago ( translate )

Annaig56 said:

oui je le regrette beaucoup et moi je n'ai pas de mobile donc pas d'application possible et ca fait beaucoup de manipulations pour une photo en plus chrome est nécessaire pour obtenir cette application moi je n'ai que firfefox
4 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Annaig56:

Remember this? www.ipernity.com/doc/serola/49609420

Try if some of those works for you. Some of them are still free to use.
4 years ago

Erika Akire said:

...thanks Sami for your tips, since I only have firefox I now use befunky and GoArt and my installed IrfanVew64 program...
4 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Erika Akire:

The reason why I had overlooked BeFunky is that it does not seem to offer any sort of API/SDK. However, I just discovered that BeFunky can be connected with Google Drive. Well, that can be useful. Although, connecting with Google Photos would be even better.

Also connecting with Dropbox seem to be an option, but I did not test it yet.
4 years ago

Diane Putnam replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:

I used to love befunky, but they have recently added some features to the formerly simple processes of color saturation and exposure adjustment. I have not figured it out, yet! Also, fewer and fewer of the features are free.

Frequently, I use iPiccy and like it a lot. It's got some fancier features that befunky doesn't have, such as cutouts and adding your own textures, and they're free. But, you guys are are all professionals, so what's great for me might not work well for you. (EXIF data? I don't care!)
4 years ago

Frank J Casella said:

Since PicMonkey went down on ipernity, I've been using Ribbet and like it even more. I upgraded the Windows app so that I can store my edited images full res in the cloud instead of my computer. Then when I'm ready to upload to ipternity I output a lowres image with watermark. This also syncs with their phone app.
4 years ago

Annemarie said:

thanks for the info........ I still use Picmonkey, on my ps
I rework the pic I upload on ipernity, then repost it....
what is ACTIONS menù?
4 years ago

Fred Fouarge said:

HFF Sami Mooi Weekeinde!
4 years ago ( translate )

©UdoSm said:

Hello Sami, it is a great pity that PicMonkey is no longer available.
Is there no way to reintegrate the new version in a similar way here at Ipernity?
That was a real enrichment...
4 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to ©UdoSm:

Udo, as said on my review, PicMonkey no longer provides similar API. But here it is again:

UPDATE May 13, 2020: We are now informed by PicMOnkey. Unfortunately they are no longer providing API service for their new HTML5 online editor. It means PicMonkey especially is no longer an option in the future.

Besides, there are hardly no free services available. And I suppose only very few ipernity member are willing to pay extra to get one.
4 years ago

©UdoSm replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:

I think you should find out what it costs and do a survey among the members...
Since this is also advertising for PM, they should be interested in making a good price.
4 years ago

@ngélique ❤️ said:

oui je le savais ! mais pas grave j'ai ipiccy et c'est gratuit !

il est même mieux que PicMonkey ! je vous le conseil
merci Sami ! belle journée
4 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to @ngélique ❤️:

Thank you for the recommendation, @ngélique =)

I will have a look.
4 years ago