Author: Sami Serola
Created: December 8, 2019
Updated: December 22, 2020
When ima team updated the
frequently asked questions (FAQ) section, it was decided to use "photo articles" instead of blog articles. The main reason was because the "internal links" on ipernity blog articles opens always on new tab and not on the same tab. From FAQ point of view it is better to open links on the same tab. Moreover, there were no resources to change and fix the way how links are implemented on ipernity articles.
But lately I have started to think that if and when ima finally get the reprogramming started, it could be better to combine those two. Instead of having separate articles, one could just as well write what is called as "
photoblog" or "photolog", which is sometimes shortened even as "plog".
What it would mean is that it should then be possible to write articles also without any image. That is actually how it is done at such photo sharing platform as YouPic. There the stories become displayed as such on the similar news feed as here on ipernity. But here on ipernity it would require
some more information displayed than just the author's name and image. Maybe the image title and some of the caption would do, and a symbol to declare that it is indeed an article with no images.
Something similar as on one's own personal photos at the moment.
But it would also require similar text editing tools provided for image caption as there is currently on blog articles. What I actually did when writing this story, is that
I first wrote this on articles tool. Then I (re)viewed it on source mode, corrected misspellings, copied the text with HTML codes, and pasted it onto this "image caption". Although, one can also write the HTML code directly into caption area, if only one knows how to do that. But in this way, copying the text and HTML formatted links from the article tool, one can avoid the HTML formatting mistakes more easily.
Then to show some possibilities of inserting also images within the text, I simply copied the image share codes from several images and pasted them here.
Currently the beauty of this approach is that one can even remove the links "around" the image codes. Moreover, it is possible to change the dimensions (width&height) to create nice collages.
Although, tampering the image codes is somewhat against the terms of service:
Note: do not forget that our Terms of Service impose that the photo must be clickable and that the link must redirect to the ipernity page displaying this photo."
However, I think it is supposed to be an advice to someone who copies the image code (if enabled), and uses it outside ipernity. So, it is supposed to make sure the image represented for example on someone's blog elsewhere would also provide link to the original source. Besides, if one can just as well write similar code also by oneself, and if one only tampers with one's own contents (own images and/or free material online), that should be allowed and okay here at ipernity. I actually admit doing so every now and then. For example
sometimes I replace the link with one that opens my private image. Or sometimes I remove the link on PiPs that would direct to "dead end" anyway (link to private image).