Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #402: Imperfect
What is imperfection? Something damaged or unfinished? It is that nagging feeling, which drives us to fight for the perfection, until we either fall down on the ground, or become as the king of the hill. Perfection can not be reach without the fight, mistakes and mess. Bruises can not be avoided. And in the end, imperfect, scratched and broken is perfect.
Contribution for The 50 Images-Project: Still Life 40/50
FIRST RULE OF FIGHT CLUB by Yuri Wong at YouTube.
I recommend watching also
the whole video to see how the music is done.
©UdoSm said:
Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to ©UdoSm:
Gudrun said:
Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Gudrun:
Yes, if the rock and scissors have the first round, and scissors become blunt =D
neira-Dan said:
( c'est marrant , j'ai les mêmes ciseaux , version dorée
Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to neira-Dan:
Those scissors are still manufactured and for sale! =)
Dida From Augsburg said:
Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Dida From Augsburg:
Wierd Folkersma said:
Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Wierd Folkersma:
I used one 10 LED bicycle torch ;-)
aNNa schramm said:
from a frog which became paper
he had to be careful that he was not killed by the rock, which had already demolished the can totally.
A stork or a heron that lives on a large foot, and apparently emerged directly from the story in the book.
It reminds me of the story of Momo by Michael Ende*
Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to aNNa schramm:
It is a never ending story ;-)
Jan said:
Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Jan:
instructions for the frog ;-)
The best part is to inflate it by blowing into it's ass! =D
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… said: