
One way...

...to do the collage. Inspired by Mick (mixpix), I tested webGobbler. I used local disk as a source, and here are seen some of my pictures taken in 2013. Rather cool software B-)

Contributed NTSC group with this example picture with what one could use for the 'Collage challenge' to illustrate something like 'Abstract challenge'.
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Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

Folks, do notice the links on caption ;-) I wanted to share this in case someone finds this useful for TSC collage challenge.
10 years ago

Shuttering Yukon said:

hey...that's really cool Sami.. I love it!
10 years ago

Shuttering Yukon replied to Shuttering Yukon:

and it does not work on a Mac... very, very sad day indeed!
10 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Shuttering Yukon:

There's source code provided, but when someone says: "You will have to install Python and PIL to run it (and possibly ctypes for some options)", I hear just: "erjio 3400 sjsd07 e0 souud e08 asdue sd080e3 ..."

Although, I once managed to install Python and run one program on my old Linux computer =D
10 years ago

Shuttering Yukon replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:

Mick emailed me with a link to download for a Mac.. what an awesome thing to do! I did comment on his picture yesterday.
yea... now look out.. when I fire up the newer computer I AM going to do this!
10 years ago

Au Cœur... diagonalh… said:

if you like experiments and graphic tools have a look at >
enjoy to create

10 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Au Cœur... diagonalh…:

Looks cool, Au cœur =)
10 years ago ( translate )

autofantasia said:

Great effect Sami ... thanks for flagging that up! :)
10 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to autofantasia:

Indeed something completely different =D
10 years ago ( translate )

.t.a.o.n. said:

stunning !
10 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to .t.a.o.n.:

Yes, definitely interesting =)
10 years ago ( translate )

Valfal said:

Wow, amazing effect, Sami! Sure makes any collage I've done this week look pedestrian. I'll have to check it out; thanks so much for sharing this info with us!
10 years ago

Shuttering Yukon replied to Valfal:

yep, I agree... I just did my collage.. but now I wanna play with this too!
10 years ago

H C said:

This looks really fantastic. I like how the pictures are blended together.
10 years ago

Blueman said:

Great composition
10 years ago ( translate )