
IMG 4870

Example of an old Scotia pole - the upper blue colored crossarm is PG&E's line feeding the town; the yellow lower crossarm is Town of Scotia primary. The Town is decommissioning their own utility and having PG&E take over.

I should also note - I noticed the same painted crossarm setup at the Conoco Phillips refinery in Rodeo, CA. You can drive through there on San Pablo Ave. Easy access off I-80 just south of the Carquinez Bridge
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David Dahle said:

The late Mike Parker had told me of this - the red arms were secondary, yellow for primary (2400V), and blue for the incoming PG&E 12kV line.
9 years ago

Jim Terry said:

David, yes that's true. I didn't see a secondary crossarm in Scotia but I did at the refinery. Here is a google street view
9 years ago