IMG 4870
Example of an old Scotia pole - the upper blue colored crossarm is PG&E's line feeding the town; the yellow lower crossarm is Town of Scotia primary. The Town is decommissioning their own utility and having PG&E take over.
I should also note - I noticed the same painted crossarm setup at the Conoco Phillips refinery in Rodeo, CA. You can drive through there on San Pablo Ave. Easy access off I-80 just south of the Carquinez Bridge
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Taken on Monday May 18, 2015
Posted on Wednesday June 17, 2015
- 301 visits
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David Dahle said:
Jim Terry said:,-122.257598,3a,22.6y,324.64h,105.09t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAzYu2hRaa3JCAkhxeln1KA!2e0!5s20120401T000000!7i13312!8i6656
Jim Terry said: