

can we go up?
no way. why do you ask?
I thought I heard the all-clear signal.
well I didn't hear it.
man, we been down here so long.
go on up there then.
you don't wanna?
and start to glow at night? no thanks.
even for a coffee run?
fine. bring me an iced latte.
you want whole milk with that?
is that even a thing?
guess not. think I'll pass.
yeah, me too.
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raingirl said:

How did I miss this? This is so wonderful. Is it a portrait of you?

Are you still around? I hope everything is okay.
I'm afraid I don't visit photos as often as I used to - but I hope to get back into it in July.
2 years ago

Berny said:

Happy Holidays, John!
Miss your work!
2 years ago