

Détail d’une cassone: portrait de Giotto.
École italienne du XVIe.

Le rouge est en Occident la première couleur que l’homme a maîtrisée: elle est longtemps restée à la couleur “ par excellence”, la plus riche du point de vue matériel, social, artistique, onirique et symbolique.
Admiré des Grecs de des Romains dans l’Antiquité, le rouge prend une dimension religieuse au Moyen Age. Mais il est aussi dans le monde profane, la couleur de l’amour, de la gloire et de la beauté, comme celle de l’orgueil, de la violence et de la luxure. Au XVIe siècle, les morales protestantes partent en guerre contre le rouge, couleur indécente et immorale, liée aux vanités du monde. Dès lors, partout en Europe, le rouge est en recul. Toutefois, à partir de la Révolution française et ce jusqu’à nos jours, le rouge devient politique; c’est la couleur des forces progressistes ou subversives,.
4ème de couverture du livre ROUGE
Michel Pastoureau.
Edition Points


Detail of a cassone: portrait by Giotto.
16th-century Italian school.

In the West, red was the first color man mastered: for a long time, it remained the color "par excellence", the richest in material, social, artistic, dreamlike and symbolic terms.
Admired by the Greeks and Romans in Antiquity, red took on a religious dimension in the Middle Ages, but in the secular world it was also the color of love, glory and beauty, as well as pride, violence and lust. In the 16th century, Protestant morals went to war against red as an indecent and immoral color, linked to the vanities of the world. From then on, all over Europe, red was on the decline. However, from the French Revolution to the present day, red becomes political; it is the color of progressive or subversive forces,.
4th cover of the book ROUGE
Michel Pastoureau
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Xata said:

Learn a lot there, you have to lend me the book!
Excellent composition for the challenge+++++++++
13 months ago

Gudrun said:

That was a very good idea and perfectly executed!
13 months ago

Esther said:

Great idea for the challenge!
13 months ago

Wierd Folkersma said:

red in a wider scale.
13 months ago

Gillian Everett said:

How interesting
13 months ago

Eunice Perkins said:

Excellently created!
13 months ago ( translate )

PhLB - Luc Boonen said:

There is a lot of history conjuncted with red, thanks for sharing JP
13 months ago