
Sharing a Cheese Scone With Claude Monet

There is a tea room in the Stables Yard at Lacock Abbey where excellent cheese scones and cake is available. Close by is a second-hand bookshop where you can buy something to read whilst you munch. Today I bought a slender volume of eighteen love poems which George Bernard Shaw wrote for Ellen Terry and 'Small World' by David Lodge. The latter was typeset in Plantin which is a good dense Roman face and easier to read than some weedy excuses for typefaces they use routinely to save a dollop or two of ink in the production run.
My work compiling an Occasional Gourmet's Guide to Cheese Scones in Sundry Catering Establishments Along the A350 (discussed here a few years ago with the incomparable Steve Bucknell - see www.ipernity.com/doc/341635/48133194) has pretty much ground to a halt. Few vendors of cheese scones seem likely to supplant Lacock in my estimation, and although I have not charted the whole territory, I find the A350 so busy these days that it's better all round to stick with what I know.
Nikon D40 and 18-200mm lens.
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Andrew Trundlewagon said:

Possibly not a very helpful comment, but if you find yourself in Montreal, I heartily recommend the incomparable cheese scones from the Humble Lion coffee shop.
3 months ago

The Limbo Connection replied to Andrew Trundlewagon:

1. I don't have any plans to visit Montreal;
2. But things can suddenly change;
3. And other people might see and act upon this recommendation;
4. So thanks very much, and happy cheese scone munching!
3 months ago