
Requiescat in Pace Adrian Henri

I want to photograph
2000 machine-turned coat hangers lynched on a scaffold of art philanthropy
A red-faced Member of Parliament drinking Andrew's Liver Salts as a penance
An apology from a man who said he had a plan but couldn't even find his own arse
A free spirit level for everyone who thought levelling up meant them
Thoughts that invade at 3 am
Unattended pile-ups on the neural motorway
Regrets that keep on escaping and asking for asylum
The restoration of youthocracy
That will do for this afternoon.
Photographed with a Nikon D700 and Nikkor 20mm f/3.5 AI-S lens.
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Old Owl said:

Thank you for sending me down the rabbit hole to read Adrian Henri (who once slept on our couch), Brian Patten and Roger McGough, and listen to The Liverpool Scene. I have happily wasted almost an hour on this.
6 weeks ago

The Limbo Connection replied to Old Owl:

Time spent in reading or re-reading Adrian Henri's poems is seldom wasted. In particular, his passion for Heather Holden ('Our Lady of Haslingden') can be physically painful to contemplate. Contrasting Henri's output with 'Fra Lippo Lippi' and other poems by Robert Browning that I was supposed to read and analyse helps me to understand why my patience with the English examinations system ran out. You must see 'Batpoem' recorded on live TV in February, 1969 at www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0GUbAImHuw. All that talent unfettered by convention.
6 weeks ago

William Sutherland said:

Exquisite capture!
6 weeks ago ( translate )

The Limbo Connection replied to William Sutherland:

Thanks William! And welcome to poetry corner.
6 weeks ago

Old Owl replied to The Limbo Connection:

As a love poet he was remarkable, and although I confess I haven’t read or heard him in a long time I still remembered almost all the words of ‘Love Story” this afternoon. - and “I’ve got those Fleetwood Mac, Chicken Shack, John Mayall can’t fail blues”.

I went for an interview for teacher training to High Melton College, Doncaster in 1969 where an admissions tutor asked me about my favourite poets. I named Brian Patten and Adrian Henri along with Thom Gunn and (I think) Gregory Corso (or maybe Ginsberg - I was only 18, so sue me). She looked down her nose and said they were not poets, merely “versifiers”. Needless to say I wasn’t accepted for study.

I’ve nothing against Browning or Tennyson or Wordsworth and I will fight anyone who dismisses Larkin or Betjeman or Edward Thomas, but those guys in the 1950s and 60s, particularly Patten and Henri turned so many of us onto a lifelong love affair with poetry.

Thanks once again for provoking my memories, and sorry to hijack your thread.
6 weeks ago

The Limbo Connection replied to Old Owl:

That's not a hijacking, that's an energising. I'm hoping for/looking forward to a further instalment.
6 weeks ago