
SRP 69 & 7.2kV - Gilbert AZ

1980's SRP construction! I love these double-circuit composite line posts and even more on wooden poles. This pole is probably from about 1985.

Also SRP used to have more lines with double-circuit wooden crossarms with suspensions but most of them are all gone. SRP switched to this type of armless construction in the mid-to-late 1960's, while still using crossarms for just slack span unfortunately until about the 1980's.
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1 comment

AstroElectric said:

Yeah they do. I wish they just stuck to using wooden poles out there. The main reason they've gone to entire steel poles is due to the intense thunderstorms in the region (which aren't frequent and nothing compared to the line damage on the east coast). But in regards to aging, I've seen a 1947 pole that looked better than some 1970's poles!

In fact, if the SRP and APS system didn't go through the many changes and countless lines buried underground it'd be a great region/climate for old poles and insulators!
10 years ago