DP&L 12.5kV - Eaton, OH
A little tall this pole is, isn't it? : P But I wonder about the vintage it is but I reckon the 1950's-early 60's. I think it's cedar. I can't wait to check the poles of the 69 or 138kV line nearby with poles* similar to this. I also check for date nails but haven't found a single one in Eaton yet.
*: Those long composite line post poles. There's a 69kV AND I believe a 138kV line in the vacinity. I'm going to check EVERY pole on the line along the street for brandings. Tough to find ANY markings on those types of poles but I'm sure there's something!
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Taken on Monday August 4, 2014
Posted on Friday October 10, 2014
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Lewis Perkins said: