A blast from the past...and yet another addition to The Powerline Graveyard. The entire pole was replaced. No more amber glass bushing.
However, a bigger loss in town that's even more disappointing is this:
The block of buildings has since been razed. I remember visiting that antique shop at the corner and admiring the building's architecture...
David Dahle said:
That fire reminds me of a couple lost historical buildings out here - the Hanson Building fire here in town over Memorial weekend 1991 (there were two nice antique malls on the main floor - Cottage Oak and Three & Co. - both yielded good insulators over the years; I remember being in the back upstairs half and noticing it seeing just a bit warm for May...) and the recent collapse of the Schamber's building in Freeman (the last owner only cared about the new addition out back; the original part was so badly neglected the building should've been condemned long before the wall gave out).
SW Ohio Lines replied to David Dahle: