
Aluminum Romex

Recently, my father and I were cleaning out the garage at our place where we removed an old defunct heater that sat in the back of the garage for years. When we removed the heater, I noticed the wiring was too light to be copper and upon closer inspection, the sheathing said "KAISER ALUMINUM".

I've never seen Al romex before in person so I thought it was pretty neat to come across this, however, I do recall reading stories of house fires, electrical failures, etc from this type of wiring.
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David Dahle said:

That stuff is nasty. Hope you're getting it all torn out.
4 years ago ( translate )

Jesse Lor replied to David Dahle:

I'll have to take a look to see if more Al wiring is found, however, I have a sneaking suspicion the previous owner had parts of the garage rewired with copper hence the small blue box, which had some remnants of a newer-looking copper romex.
4 years ago

David Dahle replied to Jesse Lor:

But then again, you have perfect tie-wire material for your scale model line... :)
4 years ago