
Chiquita Banana's Cookbook (6), c1959

Everyone outside the U.S. who's heard of Elvis probably thinks we all love banana sandwiches here. I've never fixed one, and I probably never will. o_0

(Originally posted to flickr on January 31st, 2011.)
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Deborah Lundbech said:

Growing up in England, banana sandwiches were made on good white bread, spread thickly with butter and spread with mashed banana.
2 years ago

amylsacks replied to Deborah Lundbech:

It's rare for me to want bananas in anything but their original state. The aforementioned homemade ice cream, and James Beard's banana bread (pecans > walnuts), are pretty much the only exceptions.

On the other hand, fried *plantains* are amazing with a Cuban plate or sandwich...
2 years ago