

Morriña. Del gallego morrinha: S. f. coloq.: Tristeza o melancolía, especialmente la nostalgia de la tierra natal. Sin.: Nostalgia, añoranza, tristeza, pena, melancolía, musepo, melarchía.
Eng. Longing, nostalgia, homesickness.
Since this most wonderful of words hails from a Galicia badly remembered but never forgotten, I’ve used the first line of the Galician national lament* for a quote.
The source of my personal yearning is not for a bygone, nebulously distant native land that possibly never was but for an equally imaginary Trusk-free brave new world. Ah, for that magic button... Or for the prophecy to come to pass:
Anda jaleo, jaleo,
ya se acabo el alboroto
y ahora empieza el tiroteo.
(Come on, kick up a stink, kick up a stink.
The racket is over
And now the shooting begins.)
*Os Pinos. Galician national anthem/wail. Here’s a link to it, in case some of you wish to enhance (but on no account “elevate”!; never “elevate”!) your cultural horizons:
And with music:
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William Sutherland said:

Gorgeous work!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
6 weeks ago

dolores666 replied to William Sutherland:

5 weeks ago ( translate )

dolores666 said:

Thank you Paolo!
5 weeks ago ( translate )

dolores666 said:

Thanks buonacoppi!
3 weeks ago ( translate )