

aka Repulsive Revenants. Just when you thought that things couldn’t get any worse they go and fucking do. There you are, pacing the room, feeling your piss boil and wondering how much lower in the gradient of moral degeneration, sadistic inhumanity and demented arrogance could the Ziofascists possibly sink into, when they go and surpass themselves by plunging into what looks a point of no return. (As BoomBoom says, if you page the Abyss, the flaming thing will page you back; nothing to do with Karma or divine retribution or any of that mystical poop, just pure and simple causality.)
And does anybody say boo? Do they bollocks! Not those who could make a difference, anyway. Perhaps the current Zionazi regime, aided and abated by that other deranged heap-a-caca, the Christian Zionists, really intend to bring about Armageddon, who knows… At this junction on this insane narrative nothing would surprise me any more.
Marx was right when he said that “the tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living”. See here a hideous living example of what comes from absorbing, and thus preserving, the political theory, strategy and tactics of an ideology that should have been strangled at birth or killed soon after and promptly buried for ever and for good under several prophylactic stacks of ethical concrete.
Ze’ev Jabotinsky, may you forever burn in a custom-made Gehenna after an aeon-long, despair-inducing spell in Sheol.
PS. For the benefit of them who don’t know what the two furious chappies in the pic are talking about, here’s two useful info-links, that, since they are from the Holy Encyclopedia Britannica, simply must be unimpeachable. (And they are. If you don’t believe me ask any reputable, historian.)
PPS. Actually, I am surprised that nobody, as yet, has tried to blame Vladimir Putin for this latest Mossad&Friends outrage. The PR Industrial Complex and its minions, the Media Cathouse, must be having a very bad hair day. Grateful for small mercies?
Have a spiffing weekend and don’t worry too much; there’s precious little you and I can do, other than, as don Manolito (Vázquez Montalbán) said:
No hay verdades únicas, ni luchas finales, pero aún es posible orientarnos mediante las verdades posibles contra las no verdades evidentes y luchar contra ellas.
(There are no unique truths, nor final struggles, but it is still possible to orient ourselves through possible truths against obvious non-truths and fight against them.)
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William Sutherland said:

Excellent work!
3 weeks ago ( translate )

dolores666 replied to William Sutherland:

Thank you darling!
3 weeks ago ( translate )

dolores666 said:

Thanks Paolo!
3 weeks ago ( translate )