Cyclop Twins. aka The New Subnormal, part 33 ¾: Compliance is Freedom.
NB. The System (aka The Man, aka Them, aka The Masters of the Universe), really doesn’t personally need to punish you for your unorthodoxy. That task has been outsourced to the Little Servants of the New Canon, the innumerable groups and grouplets that police though and attitude and will cancel you if they don’t like what you think, never mind saying what you think.
Weekend soooon come. Have a splendid one.
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Taken on Thursday June 1, 2023
Posted on Thursday June 1, 2023
- 258 visits
- 7 people like
William Sutherland said:
Admired in:
dolores666 replied to William Sutherland:
Many thanks, William!!!
Spo said:
dolores666 said:
(Of course one should NOT be using the words "global" or "globalization" as they've both been classified as "antisemitic" -fuck knows why, tho'.)
How are you, me old china? How's things in the sunny North? Still all deliriously enthusiastic about joining NATO?
Spo replied to dolores666:
We certainly panicked when the war in Ukraine started (just as Russia doesn't call it simply war, we don't either, but use a unique and awfully cumbersome neologism "Russia's assault war into Ukraine"), and our Nato opinion changed overnight: we certainly had no trouble picking sides nor have had any qualms about throwing away lines that don't rhyme with our reason. The foreign policy authorities who used to warn us of the disadvantages of the "defense alliance" (yes, we have our own translation for that, too) are now called jerks, including our president.
Each and every day our afternoon papers have this same slavic, nicely balding cover boy for conducting/scheming/miscarrying villainy or just being plain terminally ill (I wonder how he's still alive with all his cancers), and our parliamentary Institute of International Affairs still dare to call their work research even if they only use one source, ISW.
dolores666 said:
Old Owl said:
(By the way, I hope it is the Last Days of Universal Capitalism. If it could collapse before *my* last days I would be eternally grateful.)
dolores666 replied to Old Owl:
I've no intention of EVER giving in. Up, perhaps, but never in. And I'm far too old to keep my big mouth shut. Life's too short... :-)
Love your quote. Whether of Hitchens' or Orwell's is spot on. Its bad enough that there be "masters" but where would they be without the "slaves".
Fly silent, fly high, and stay sane.
PS. I, too, would love to see the crashing of Crapitaism, although it will not be a pretty sight.
dolores666 said:
dolores666 replied to Spo:
Still, me old china, we've got to resist and bite for as long as our old dentures will last.
Alway so good to hear from you in any case, even if the news is not so good. :-) !
Roland Platteau said:
et Catherine Baker (née en 1949) "la seule lutte importante à mener c'est la lute contre la soumission, car sans elle le pouvoir quel qu'il soi est perdant"
dolores666 replied to Roland Platteau:
Ditto David Icke and Ms Baker.
Bring back Erich Fromm (On Disobedience) and Étienne de la Boétie's The Politics of Disobedience !!!!!!!!!
Funny you commented along those lines. A few days ago I said something pretty much like this to a "friend". He was all for obeying, really. I'm afraid I lost my temper and kind of shouted at him. Oh, well... The older I get the less patience I have for idiots.
Anyway, thanks, Roland, for both the fave and the comment. Especially the comment...:-)