
230kv Transmission Line and a Railroad

I found this in one of my 8th Grade Sketchbooks, I thought it was interesting so I wanted to post it. If you're wondering where the rest of the page is, it's in the Skatchbook. The rest of the page is blank, so...
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raingirl said:

I think your fascinating with power lines and connectors is quite beautiful when you translate it into these sketches. They are wonderful.
4 years ago

Lewis Perkins replied to raingirl:

That's really good to hear! Because a lot of people look that my art very differently, some saying it's just sticks with string. *rolling my eyes" I also don't find it as fun as I use to. I feel like I've been in a "Artist Block" for the last few years. However, I'm trying to get back into. :)
4 years ago