
A pose by any other name

Alas I missed the life drawing session last week. I left the house heading there but ran into a cloud of freezing mist which immediately plastered a layer ice on my windshield some 8 or 15 inches thick. As driving the Richardson Highway stone cold, very cold, blind seemed far less than ideal, I turned my rig around lowered the driver's window, sticking a white cane out feeling my way and drove, tapped, drove home.

As I was sorry and chagrined missing the creation of high art amidst the wild bohemian company i often sketch with, I dropped a tear in my beer and worked furiously through the evening producing this carefully conceived masterpiece: A Pose By Any Other Name!

Ink and watercolor on yellow ochre with well more than a hint of raw sienna colored sketch paper, eight and thirty one sixty fourths by ten and thirty one thirty seconds inches.
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1 comment

Steve Bucknell said:

It looks like a German Expressionist masterpiece to me. In what dread corner of your subconscious is this tormented soul trapped, Jim?
4 weeks ago