

Brought this clipping in because I thought there has to be a nice shot in it somewhere only to be told one shouldn't bring Lilac into the house as it'll bring bad luck! Really, in this day and age? :-)

Anyway, I like it!

Unlucky Lilac; the folklore states that it is unlucky to bring white Lilac into the house as "it is sure that a family disaster will follow"! This May have something to do with the very pleasant odour these lovely flowers have and which were used to line coffins while they stood on display in the front room so that family members and friends could come and pay their last respects to the deceased, a habit that is no longer fashionable thank goodness! The link with tempting fate is all too obvious and I rather like the possibility that gardeners, fed up up with people taking clippings might have something to do with it too! :-)
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