
OHF - Hoad Monument {3 of 4}

One of four views of this monument, taken as I was driven along the outskirts of Ulverston. {Hence the tilted viewpoint}.
The "Hoad Monument" is a 100-foot (30 m) tower - looking like a miniature Eddystone lighthouse - at the top of Hoad Hill, near Ulverston in Cumbria, England. It was built at cost of £1250, mainly from public subscriptions, in 1850.
It commemorates Sir John Barrow (1764 - 1848), who was born in Ulverston. He was a founding member of the Royal Geographical Society. In his career he was posted to China and South Africa as a diplomat, and held the post of Second Secretary to the Admiralty from 1804 until 1845.
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