
B&M - drinker moth

This hairy beast was found sauntering down our driveway, just before a car was due home. Removed for safety and identification ...

Drinker moth, Euthrix potatoria caterpillar :- It is probably about to pupate, given how lethargic it was, and especially with darkened colouration.
Released to some nice long grass that isn't going to be cut ...

note : the grid is 5mm squares
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Jean Paul Capdeville said:

Celà me semble une chenille relativement courante mais je ne suis pas un spécialiste. bonne journée
18 months ago ( translate )

StoneRoad2013 replied to Jean Paul Capdeville:

I think that how rare or how common this moth, and therefore the caterpillar, are depends on your area and the vegetation growing there.
It is fairly rare around where I live.
17 months ago