
nearly the last ever photo of Rabbit.....

We walked up to the Punta Ganada in the north of Lanzarote for this fantastic view. About half an hour after this photo, we had clambered to the top of a nearby ridge and discovered that the camera bag - in which Rabbit was hitching a ride - was no longer with us. An anxious retracing of our steps on the steep slopes ensued, in baking mid-day temperatures. We searched under cactuses and peered behind rocks, we worked out the wind direction and wondered if the camera bag had blown down the slope, we scrambled up and down getting hotter and hotter and more and more worried. After an hour, when spirits were flagging, we found the camera bag lodged in a gap in a low stone wall. Inside, Rabbit was waiting patiently, having never once (well, hardly ever) doubted that he would be rescued.

A very large celebratory lunch in Haria followed.
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Peggy C said:

Do hope Rabbit got some really crunchy carrots [ know he would share with y'all ] ...
6 years ago

Rabbitroundtheworld replied to Peggy C:

He had fig and cheese salad followed by roast pork, potatoes, and chocolate mousse!
6 years ago

Keith Burton said:

Oh Wow..!! What an amazing story.................and it could have ended so differently..!! I'm so glad you found him............but not as glad as you (or him), I suspect.

Well, this is a lovely coastal landscape image...............and Rabbit is looking very handsome and none-the-worse for wear............so all's well that ends well :-)
6 years ago

Rabbitroundtheworld replied to Keith Burton:

thanks Keith. It was a very bad hour!
6 years ago

Amelia said:

An amazing rescue. Rabbit doesn't look at all the worse for wear - thank goodness.
6 years ago

Xata said:

Oh Dear... what for an emotion... poor Rabbit, you must put a tracer device on him... he would have been so sad... and you too... and we would miss him here!!!!!
6 years ago

Jean-michel N said:

Happy for Rabbit. You are certainly a hero for him now.
6 years ago

Leon_Vienna said:

What a story - you lucky ones!!! It really would have been very sad for all of us, if you lost each other! :-((
But with all yours hard work, the end was a happy one.
Thank you for the report and for that very beautiful photo, too.
6 years ago

Thérèse said:

top géniale ! ah, ce petit rabbit a de la chance et vit plein d'aventures !!!
6 years ago ( translate )

Andy Rodker said:

So pleased Rabbit was Ok! I would have asked you to enlist my niece in the search (she is a doctor on Lanzarote) out of desperation!
6 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Awesome shot and so happy rabbit is okay! Great ending to this story!

Admired in:
6 years ago

*ઇଓ* said:

Happy you found Rabbit undamaged, and I can well imagine how happy you were. :) Wonderful shot!
6 years ago

Meister Buchen said:

Ihm wird schon nichts passieren. Er will ja schließlich noch viel von der Welt sehen...

Schönes Foto
6 years ago ( translate )

Gudrun said:

I trust Rabbit got a large celebratory carrot for waiting patiently to be rescued:-)
6 years ago

Ulrich John said:

Greet him, feed him !!! :-))) !
6 years ago ( translate )