
Golden Deer

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Dinesh said:

Maricha, obedient to Ravana, assumed the form of a golden deer and ranged about the wood near Rama s hut: its horns were like twin jewels, its face was piebald, its earlike two blue lotus-flowers, its sleek sides soft as the petals of a flower, its hoofs as black as jet, its haunches slender,its lifted tail of every colour of the rainbow a deer-form such as this he took ! His back was starred with gold and silver, and he ranged about the forest lawns seeking to be seen by Sita. And when she saw him she was astonished and delighted, and called to Rama and Lakshmmanand begged Rama to catch or kill the deer for her, and she urged him to the chase. Rama, too, was fascinated by the splendid deer. He would not heed Lakshman s warning that it must be a rakshasa disguised. "All the more, then,must I slay it," said Rama, "but do thou watch over Sita,staying here with the good Jatayu. I shall be back again in a very little while, bringing the deer-skin with me." Now vanishing, now coming near, the magic deer ledRama far away, until he was worn out and sank upon the ground under a shady tree ; then it appeared again,surrounded by other deer, and bounded away. But Ramadrew his bow and loosened an arrow that pierced its breast, so that it sprang high into the air and fell moaning on the earth. Then Marlcha, at the point of death, assumed his own shape . . . .

9 days ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Une superbe et intéressante histoire de Maricha et Ravana.
Excellent partage très révélateur.
Bonne soirée paisible et reposante.
9 days ago ( translate )

J.Garcia said:

Sad story but as always educational, Dinesh
9 days ago