The Chaos Game
Each new point falls randomly, but gradually the Image of a fern emerges. all the necessary inf9ormation is encoded in a few simple rules
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Taken on Sunday January 19, 2025
Posted on Monday January 20, 2025
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Dinesh said:
“If the image is complicated, the rules will be complicated, Barnsley said. “On the other hand, if the object has a hidden fractal order to it – and it’s a central observation of Benoit’s that much of nature does have this hidden order – then it will be possible with a few rules to decode it. The model, then, is more interesting than a model made with Euclidean geometry, because we know that when you look at the edge of a leaf you don’t see straight lines.” His first fern, produced with a small desktop computer, perfectly matched the image in the fern book he had had since he was a child. “It was a staggering image, correct in every aspect. No biologist should have any trouble identifying it.”
In some sense, Barnsley contended, nature must be playing its own version of the chaos game. “There’s only so much information in the sports that encodes one firm,” he said. “So there’s a limit to the elaborateness with which a fern could grow. It’s not surprising that we can find equivalent succinct information to describe ferns. It would be surprising if it were otherwise.” ~ Page 238/239
Dinesh said:
Malik Raoulda said:
Merci pour ce lien très intéressant.
Bonne journée paisible et salutaire.
Jaap van 't Veen said: