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Dinesh said:

On the basis of the Kot Diji en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kot_Diji seals, I suggest that the connection of the ruler with the sun and the center of the four direction defined by the sun’s daily and annual course, important in Vedic and Epic royal ideology, may have originated in the Early Harappan culture. Further evidence that it prevailed in the Indus civilization comes from the so-called Proto-Siva seal of Mohenjo-daro, in which an anthropomorphic figure wearing the horns on a water buffalo is seated on a throne (figure 16.6) The throne is a major symbol of royal authority in vedic culture. John Marshall (1931) who coined the name “Proto-Siva” suggested thaty the figure is three -faced, like many later Hindu images of Siva. I prefer the alternative idea that the figure has four faces, like Siva in the shape of ‘caturmukha-linga’ symbolizing the axis mundi or the Hindu god Brahma, whom Indian architectural text connect with the center. The fourth face is hidden, because it faces away from the viewer. ~ Page 194

The Roots of Hinduism
8 weeks ago