

as seen from the moon, the first time a human was able to see and photograph their planet in full. Taken in 1968 by Apollo 8 astronut William Andes while orbiting the moon

Long before the famous Earthrise photo taken by Apollo astronauts, creating an image or map of the entire known world was a singular human endeavor. Imagine a half a millennium earlier when only those who had traveled could describe distant lands. Imagine watching the hustle and bustle and bustle of merchants and sailors returning to the port of Venice. What stories could they tell to paint a portrait of our planet? ~ NASA - Landsat Science, NASA, 2014
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Dinesh said:

2 months ago ( translate )

Dinesh said:

Ecology, environmentalism, saving the earth – like human rights, thes became a powerful global cause in the 1970s. The haunting photograph ‘Earthrise” taken by Apollo astronaut Bill Anders in 1968m set the tibe and the term “spaceship Earth,” with its undertone of fragility, entered the vocabulary. The Council of Europe designated 1970 as te year of nature conservation and Earth Day was celebrated in the United States for the first time in 1970. David Brower, an American who founded Friends of the Earth in 1979, joined with environmentalists in Britain, France and, Sweden to create Friends of the Earth International in 1971. The following year the Club of Rome published a celebrated warning “The Limits of Growth.” www.donellameadows.org/wp-content/userfiles/Limits-to-Growth-digital-scan-version.pdf . . . . Page 604

4 weeks ago